YouTube Subscribers Increase

Top Ways to get More YouTube Views and Subscribers

With 1.3 billion active users, YouTube is the second-largest search engine and the largest video production platform over the internet. It allows users to create and share videos and publish the same to a worldwide audience. The platform's popularity can be gauged by the fact that 1 billion hours of content are watched on YouTube every day around the world.

The scale of its popularity makes it impossible to ignore YouTube as a video marketing services provider. It not only helps you get leads for your business, but raises your popularity on a global scale. However, the massive presence of users and the high competition to reach the audience on the site makes it tricky to reach your audience. Here are a few methods to include in your 2022 video marketing strategy to reach more users.

Quality Video

Creating captivating content is the only way to get the user’s attention. Amid the rapidly decreasing user’s attention span and the cut-throat competition for likes and views on the internet, you will have to make out-of-the-box content that can not only retain user’s attention but also make them go gaga over it. For starters, learning to create a quality video is the key to creating a video that serves the above purpose.

YouTube Optimization

Ask Users to Subscribe

This tactic has been in use for a while now. You can spot the anchors/creators of the video asking users directly to “like and subscribe” to their channel on the video itself. Subscribe feature of YouTube makes the videos of that subscribed channel display on the homepage of the subscriber. YouTube also has a 'bell icon' feature which, when clicked, sends notifications and prompts users when a new video from that channel is uploaded to YouTube. By asking the users to subscribe through video, the chances of them subscribing to your channel increase by manifolds.

Video Durations

Most users don’t like watching long videos. They have a short attention span, and a long duration video is a straight-no to them. But here is the pickle! They don’t want quick-flick short ones either. The trick here is to create an optimum sized video that is neither too short, nor too long. Ideal video length to gold user’s attention ranges between 10-30 minutes. YouTube algorithm favors videos longer than 30 minutes and considers it as the ranking factor.


YouTube is not just another video marketing company. It is also a popular search engine. When a user types a term in the search bar of YouTube, you want your video to rank among the top such that it catches the user’s attention. Like other search engines, you can optimize your video in YouTube too to get your video to rank in the top rows of the page, such that when a user types your chosen keywords, your video can appear among the top results. For this, it is necessary to understand what your audience is looking for. If you rank high, users will get enticed to click on your content, view it and have a high prospect of converting into subscribers. Use tools like Google Keyword planner. It inspires creators to create the next videos that users are already looking for. If you can find a keyword that has a lot of search queries but fewer videos, you have hit the sweet spot! Use your keyword in the metadata of the video, i.e. video title, “#” tags, video description text, subtitles etc.

Use better Thumbnails

Thumbnails are the still images that act as a preview image for the video. This image generates interest among the users and entices them to click on the video. It is one of the most important tactics in YouTube marketing that allures users and makes them come to your video. Make use of an appropriate thumbnail that is eye-catching, has a highlighted text that describes the content in the right way. Added to this is a tempting title that urges them to click on the video.

Interact with Viewers/Encourage them to Comment

Interacting with the users and considering the opinion makes them feel that you care and their voice matters. User interaction helps you get insights where your video lacks and often lets you know of their expectations. It builds trust among your users, and they highly share your channel links with their peers.

These were a few important techniques to get more YouTube views and subscribers and help you achieve your video content marketing goals. While asking users to share the video remains central among these, there are other ways like buying subscribers using the paid feature that automatically draws more publicity.